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SMF - Just Installed!


Started by Legion, Apr 22, 2020, 07:15 pm

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Rule #1:  You are going to lose all your gear and dinos in the fight.

Never, ever, bring anything into a fight you are not willing to lose. Do not bring your only breeding pair of rexes, that one piece of armor you do not want to lose or the shoulder pet you have nurtured for 71 levels and have screenshots of hanging around in your living room. Go into the fight as if you are going to lose everything you brought in.


Gamma: Easy
Beta: Medium 
Alpha: Hard

Beta tends to be a lot close to alpha than it is to gamma.


Maximum players that can enter:  10
Maximum dinosaurs that can enter: 20


Wiki table with all requirements and rewards per boss:



Bosses: Dragon and Manticore

Gamma: level 70
Beta: level 80
Alpha: level 90


Bosses: Dragon, Manticore and Megapithecus

Gamma: level 30
Beta: level 30
Alpha: level 70


Bosses: Rockwell

Gamma:  level 60
Beta:  level 75
Alpha:  level 100


All bosses and difficulties:  level 1


- Good armor with high durability
- Medical Brews, 20 or more

As long as you are seated on you dino, you should not take any damage except for a little from the Manticore gas attacks. In case you do get dismounted, you will need a very good armor and some medical brews in case you take damage.

- Shotgun or Sniper, 150 rounds or more

The Manticore and Dragon will fly away from time to time, which means ground-based dinos will not be able to deal damage during that time. A good shotgun or sniper will allow you to deal some damage in the meantime.

- Whip

With a lot of big dinos bunched up, it is easy to get stuck. Using the whip on them will force them to spread out and possibly free you to move around again.

- Saddles

Use good saddles on your dinos, as good as you can get. I recommend using saddles with at least 50 armor for Gamma and 100+ for Beta/Alpha.


This is subjective, as you can win boss-fights with a lot of dinos in this game. The main choice has always been the T-Rex as it is the biggest class of dino you can take, has a lot of health and deals a lot of damage. This does not mean you can not use other dinos, so take these examples as just that.

Some things people are bound to ask:
- No, you can not deploy cryopods inside the arena on official maps
- No, Gigas will not teleport into the arena
- No, the Personal Gravestone will not work when you die in a boss-fight
- Yes, Charge pets count towards the total number of dinos (20 max)



Fast and agile. Looks like Big Bird's distant ancestor.

Super power:  Has a courage roar that will give a 25% damage increase and a 20% resistance increase to your army.

Pro tip: Level in Stamina and Health. Do no use this dino to attack with but stay behind your army and use the courage roar (C) to keep them buffed.

Recommendation: Can be a real asset and is much more agile than any of your rexes.


A wild boar prancing around like he is singing Akuna Matata.

Super power:  Can heal nearby friendly dinos at the cost of a lot of food

Pro tip: Use kibble to quickly replenish his food levels

Recommendation: Never really seen the use of one as it only heals very slowly vs the damage your dinos will take, and will require someone to manage it's healing pulse and food levels



There is a special type of boss-fight that is essentially the end of the story on certain maps. These are the Rockwell for Aberration, and the Overseer in the Tek Cave on Island.

Upon successful completing of this fight you will get to see a cut-scene of the victory over the boss, after which you will basically die and spawn back into the game. Your items will still be there, but you will have received extra levels on top of the maximum 150 you originally had

Ascension bosses

- Aberration (Rockwell)
- Island (Overseer)

Level increments

Per ascension boss you can get a maximum of 15 levels, meaning that if you do both of them, you can gain an extra 30 levels on top of our 150 maximum.

Only the highest level boss you fight will count and it does not stack.

Gamma:  5 levels
Beta: 10 levels
Alpha: 15 levels


In General

- Do not mount any dino until you have teleported into the boss arena.

- Likewise, get off your mount when you've killed the boss(es) and stay off until you have teleported back into the regular map.

- The trophy flags will be in your inventory. The boss trophy and the Element reward will be inside the inventory of the dino that dealt the killing blow.

- If you are playing with other players, please discuss how you are going to split the loot at the end of the fight so that there are no hard feelings.

- If you lose a few dinos, do not forget to check their inventory bags as they may have gotten the loot for killing on of the bosses, or have his expensive saddle in it.


Ignore the Manticore until the Dragon has been killed first. When damaged, the Manticore will spawn in several Rock Elementals that can kill your rexes quite easily unless you are carefull to stay clear of them. Completely ignore the Manticore, if the Dragon is in the air just keep moving your dinos around until it lands again.

Do not kill the manticore with anything other than a dino. The Element drop will not always be awarded unless a dino kills it has been my experience.


There are three bosses in this arena: Dragon, Manticore, Megapithecus.

As the Megapithecus is ground bound and keeps spawning in smaller gorillas, attack him first. Ignore the others. This boss does not have a lot of HP so he should go down quickly.

The other two bosses are flyers and it seems they like to stay in the air. The Dragon will land more often, so attack this boss after you have killed the Megapithecus.

Last is the Manticore. I've not seen him spawn in Rock Elementals on Valguero, but the amount of time it is actuallly on the ground is so short that is will be near impossible to kill him in time with just ground dinos. Bring good sniper rifles and plenty of ammo; he tends to fly quite high so shotguns seem to be less usefull.