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SMF - Just Installed!


Started by Legion, Apr 22, 2020, 07:09 pm

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Apr 22, 2020, 07:09 pm Last Edit: Apr 25, 2020, 06:40 am by Legion
If you are in it for the long haul, you will need a greenhouse to get a healthy supply of crops and a beehive for a constant supply of honey.


There are two ways of getting your own beehive, one easy and one hard.

1.) In vanilla you would have to find an existing hive, destroy it and hope a queen comes out for you to tame. Chances are you will take a lot of damage from the swarm that will attack you, and you need some prepping to make it less of a hassle. Once you tame the Queen Bee, you can take it to your base and have it turn into a Beehive. When you take honey out of this hive, you will be attacked by the bees normally.

2.) In S+/SS there is a Domesticated Beehive that is craftable and the bees will not attack you when you remove any honey. To craft this beehive you only need to find 50 honey and 250 rare flowers. The honey you get from wild bee hives or trading with other players.

Both beehives will require rare flowers to produce honey over time.

Hint: You only need one beehive to produce more honey than you will ever need.


Apr 25, 2020, 07:01 am #1 Last Edit: Apr 25, 2020, 07:13 am by Legion

For normal use, once you get settled in, you will only need one large crop plot of each fruit/vegetable to keep you stocked up with more berries than you can eat. This would mean a greenhouse that has 10 large crop plots, or when you use the smaller triangle plots, perhaps a few more. Below we'll give some tips on building the greenhouse as well as feeding the plant and automating the entire process so you will never have to worry about crops again.

The most important parts you will need to fully automate your greenery (ONLY USE S+/SS PARTS):
- Crop plots
- Water pipes and taps (preferably metal)
- Greenhouse or Glass walls and ceilings
- S+ Collector
- S+ Gardener
- S+ Farmer
- S+ Animal Tender
- Dung Beetle or Compost Bin
- S+ Hitching Post for Beetle
- Seeds for 6 berries and 4 vegetables


- Place S+/SS metal pipes inside the foundations before putting down any crop plots, and make sure they are all irrigated (foundation will show a blue water drop, if it is white it is not getting any water)

- You can place metal or stone water taps directly onto the foundations. They will snap onto the end of on foundation and water an area roughly 2.5-3 foundations in radius.

- Place down the S+/SS crop plot after placing the irrigation, they should snap directly onto the foundation.

- When placing glass walls/ceiling around the crop plots, they will receive a greenhouse buff up to 300%. This means crops in open-air will grow at 100% the default crop speed, and with full glass buff they will grow 3x as fast (300%) yielding more fruits and veggies.


Poop is life... The most important component for Fertilizer is poop that is collected from your dinos, your tribe mates and even from you. The job stinks, but it's got to be done. Luckily we have S+/SS to do the dirty work for you.

Craft the S+/SS Collector and make sure it is powered either by propellant or a Tek Generator. You will eventually have more than one collector, but for now we will assume you use a single one to do every task. By default the collector will pick up poop, unfertilized eggs, achatina paste and pretty much anything that is dropped on the ground by dinos. You will not need to change any settings except to Activate it.

The collector will automatically distribute any poop it has picked up into Compost Bins or Dung Beetles.


To make sure plants grow and do not die, they need to be fed and watered. The irrigation was already explained in the Structures section above so we will now handle two methods of getting fertilizer for your crop plots.


Most people will start with the Compost Bins. These take poop and thatch to make fertilizer over time. As explained above the S+/SS Collector will pick up and distribute poop to the Compost Bin, so this part will be automated.

The only thing left to do is add a bunch of thatch to the bin so it can keep going for quite a while and produce plenty of Fertilizer.


By far the most efficient and quickest way to produce Fertilizer for you.

- Dung Beetles can be tamed by placing Large Feces in your hotbar's 0 slot and feeding a beetle (passive tame). Once tamed you can pick it up or cryopod it.

- The level of the beetle is not relevant for the production of fertilizer: lower levels tame faster so I would advise getting these unless you have the time.

- For a beetle to "work" it needs to be placed on Wander. Do not let the beetle walk around freely, but use the S+/SS Hitching Post. This will lock it in place and allow it to be on Wander.

- One beetle will produce enough fertilizer to supply your whole greenhouse and any Species X/Y/Z plants you may have.

- The S+/SS Collector will place poop inside the Beetle so that it can turn it into fertilizer

- The S+/SS Gardener will remove the fertilizer from the Beetle, store it and distribute it to crop plots

- Beetles need Spoiled Meat as a food. Make sure you trough has enough spoiled meat.

- Besides fertilizer, beetles also produce a small amount of oil.

- Level the beetle in weight only so it can hold more poop and fertilizer. Other stats will have no influence on the fertilizer production.



- Collects poop from dinos/players

- Distributes poop to Compost Bins and Dung Beetles

- Requires Propellant or Tek Generator to function


- Removes fertilizer from compost bins and beetles, stores it and distributes it evenly to all crop plots in range

- Requires Calien Soup or Tek Generator to functions


- Removes berries and seeds from all crop plots automatically so you do not have to check each crop plot yourself.

- Required Beer or Tek Generator to function


- Removes resources from dinos, in this case the oil that the beetles produce. This will keep their weight down so they can keep producing fertilizer

- Other functions not relevant to this article

- Requires Kibble or Tek Generator to function